On Sunday, we watched episode 2, The Beatitudes, which is a bigger-picture overview of Matthew 5:3-16. Today, we’ll watch a visual commentary of the same passage, going verse by verse to better understand key words and the literary design. Then, we'll focus in on Jesus' words about his followers being salt and light.
Visual Commentary: Matthew 5:3-16: Beatitudes
Matthew 5:13-16
13You are the salt of the land. But if the salt becomes unsalty with what can it be made salty again? It’s useful for nothing, except to be thrown out and stepped on by humans.
14You are the light of the world. A city that is set up on a mountain is not able to be hidden, 15and they don’t light a candle and place it under a basket. Rather, upon a candle-stand, and it will shine on everyone in the house.
16In the same way, let your light shine before people so that they can see your good works, and so they can give honor to your Father who is in the skies.
In the ancient world, salt preserved food. In the Hebrew Bible (i.e. Old Testament), salt is associated with God’s long-lasting covenant promises to Israel. The role of Israel was to preserve the life of creation by preserving the covenant. But Israel violated their covenant with God. Or in other words, they became unsalty. Jesus announces that God is renewing his “salty crew” within Israel. His followers can experience God’s covenant blessings through him and recover Israel’s calling to preserve the life of the world.
Jesus takes the image of light from the prophet Isaiah, who says that one day God’s heavenly reign will touch down on Earth in Jerusalem. Jesus says that through him and his disciples, God is beginning his new city, the new creation, right here and right now.
How does Israel fail in their “salty” vocation? What does this tell us about all of humanity’s shortcomings in partnering with God?
Read Isaiah 2:1-5. How does the Kingdom of God arriving in Jesus fulfill aspects of this passage?
What are some examples of good works that give Jesus’ disciples the opportunity to be salt and light in the world?
As you slowly reread Matthew 5:13-16, reflect on Jesus' words. What feels exciting or encouraging to you about being part of a community that is salt and light in the world? Is there anything that feels intimidating or confusing about it? Share these things with God in prayer.