Sermon on the Mount

Daily Reading Plan

Daily Scripture Readings and BibleProject Resources

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This Sermon on the Mount daily reading plan is a five-week plan specifically designed to accompany a Sunday sermon series and midweek small group guides. Some videos from our main Sermon on the Mount series are not included in this reading plan because they’re already a part of planned Sundays or midweek small groups.

Here’s the format of this reading plan.

  • Each day, you’ll start with a reflection question related to the day’s passage of Scripture.

  • Then, you’ll read a short passage of Scripture from a new translation by the BibleProject scholar team. On a few occasions, we’ll invite you to read a specific passage of Scripture more than once. The purpose of this is to get a higher-level overview first and then return to the passage for a closer reading.

  • After the Scripture reading, you’ll review a BibleProject response to the day’s reflection question.

  • Then, you’ll conclude by watching one or two related BibleProject videos.

  • Optional: If you want to dive deeper on the day’s topic, you can listen to a podcast episode or read an article from the BibleProject Scholarship team.

Find each week's daily reading below.

Week 1: Arrival of the Kingdom

Week 1: Arrival of the Kingdom

October 21-25

Week 2: Fulfillment

Week 2: Fulfillment

October 28-November 1

Week 3: Pure Focus

Week 3: Pure Focus

November 4-8

Week 4: Relationships

Week 4: Relationships

November 11-15

Week 5: The Choice

Week 5: The Choice

November 18-20

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