Watch / Insights

Video Series


Learn about a key biblical word or perplexing passage of Scripture through exploring the cultural context and larger biblical story.

21 Episodes

Vocab Insight: Dikaiosune / Righteousness
Vocab Insight: Torah / Instruction
What does the Hebrew word “torah” mean in the Bible? Explore the many ways this word is used and how it connects to Jesus.
Passage Insight: The Meaning of Fulfill
Watch a short, animated video that explains what Jesus meant when he said he didn't come to abolish the Torah or Prophets but to fulfill them.
Vocab Insight: Gehenna / Valley of Wailing
Watch a short, animated video that explains the meaning of the Greek word for hell (gehenna) in the story of the Bible.
Passage Insight: Jesus in the Divorce Debate
What are legitimate reasons for divorce according to the Bible? Watch this video and learn the wisdom Jesus teaches while talking with the Pharisees about an ancient Mosaic law.
Passage Insight: Creative Nonviolence
Watch a short, animated video that explains how Jesus dealt with injustice in the world and examples of how he invites his followers to do the same.
Vocab Insight: Teleios / Whole
Watch a short, animated video that explains what the Greek word “teleios” means in Matthew 5:48 and throughout the biblical story.
Passage Insight: Jesus and Short Prayers
Watch a short, animated video that explains why Jesus told his disciples not to use vain repetitions in prayer in Matthew 6:7-8.
Passage Insight: Purpose of Fasting
Watch a short, animated video that explains the purpose of fasting and some examples of fasting in the Bible.
Vocab Insight: Shamayim / Skies
Discover the meaning of “shamayim,” the Hebrew term for heavens. In the biblical imagination, this is the realm above Earth where God’s throne exists.
Vocab Insight: Erets / Land
“Erets,” the Hebrew word for land or earth, appears throughout the Bible as the realm that exists between the heavens above and the chaotic waters below.
Vocab Insight: Ets / Tree
Discover the Hebrew meaning of “ets,” a term used to describe large trees, firewood, bushes, or vines in the Bible, including the tree of life.
Vocab Insight: Tov / Good
Discover the Hebrew meaning of “tov,” a word used to describe God’s beautiful, thriving harmony among plants, trees, and animals that reflects what is morally good in the world.
Vocab Insight: Dām / Blood
Discover the meaning of the Hebrew word “dām” in the Bible, which refers to blood, life, humanity, and the connection between human life and the ground.
Vocab Insight: Tannin / Dragon
Discover the meaning of “tannin” in Hebrew, a leviathan (serpent) who symbolizes death and disorder and is ultimately defeated by God’s power.
Character Insight: Elijah
Learn about Elijah, whose name means “my God is Yahweh,” and see how God empowers him to revive a widow’s son and guide Israel back to Yahweh.
Character Insight: John the Baptizer
John the Baptist calls for repentance through a water baptism, preparing people for a new way of life and announcing Jesus’ arrival.
Vocab Insight: Mammon / Wealth
"You are not able to serve both God and mammon." Watch a short video that explains what Jesus meant by the word "mammon" in Matthew 6:24.
Passage Insight: Do Not Worry
Watch a short animated video that explains what Jesus means in Matthew 6:25-34 when he says not to worry, and discover the solution he offers.
Vocab Insight: Basileia / Kingdom
Watch a short animated video that defines the Greek word “basileia” in its biblical context and explains how it relates to God, humanity, and creation.
Passage Insight: Speck in the Eye
Watch a video and learn what Jesus means in Matthew 7:3-5 when he says to take the plank out of your own eye before taking the speck out of another’s.
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