Explore the Book of Job

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3 Job Wishes He Had Never Been Born 4 The First Speech of Eliphaz 5 Eliphaz continued, “Call out if you want to, Job. But who will answer you? Which one of the holy ang… 6 Job’s Reply 7 Job continued, “Don’t all human beings have to work hard on this earth? Aren’t their days like the d… 8 The First Speech of Bildad 9 Job’s Reply 10 “I’m sick of living. So I’ll talk openly about my problems. I’ll speak out because my spirit is bitt… 11 The First Speech of Zophar 12 Job’s Reply 13 “My eyes have seen everything God has done. My ears have heard it and understood it. 14 “Human beings have only a few days to live. Their lives are full of trouble. 15 The Second Speech of Eliphaz 16 Job’s Reply 17 My strength is almost gone. I won’t live much longer. A grave is waiting for me. 18 The Second Speech of Bildad 19 Job’s Reply 20 The Second Speech of Zophar 21 Job’s Reply 22 The Third Speech of Eliphaz 23 Job’s Reply 24 “Why doesn’t the Mighty One set a time for judging sinful people? Why do those who know him have to … 25 The Third Speech of Bildad 26 Job’s Reply 27 Job’s Final Reply to His Friends 28 The Place Where Wisdom Is Found Is Explained 29 Job’s Final Speech 30 “But now those who are younger than I am make fun of me. I wouldn’t even put their parents with my s… 31 “I made an agreement with my eyes. I promised not to look at a young woman with impure thoughts. 32 The Speech of Elihu 33 “Job, listen now to my words. Pay attention to everything I say. 34 Elihu continued, 35 Elihu continued, 36 Elihu continued, 37 “When I hear the thunder, my heart pounds. It beats faster inside me.