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Weekly Playlist  |  July 22-28
Sermon on the Mount-Warnings About Religious Practices
The Purpose of Fasting
Read - Matthew 6:16-18

Matthew 6:16-18


1 min

And when you fast, don't look gloomy like the hypocrites, for they make their faces look disfigured so that their fasting will be visible to people. Truly, I tell you: they have fully received their reward.
But you, when you fast, anoint your head with oil and wash your face so that your fasting won't be visible to people, but to your Father in a hidden way. And your Father who sees what is hidden, he will fully reward you.
About This Translation
This reading uses a new translation from the BibleProject Scholar Team, which aims to bring fresh language to familiar words while using consistent English terms for Greek words used throughout this part of Scripture.

We'll be adding more translations here in the future, but in the meantime, you can find more translations now on the BibleProject app.
Watch - Insights, Passage Insight: Purpose of Fasting
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In Jesus’ culture, fasting was a normal ritual that set aside a period of time as sacred. We don’t have to fast to connect with God or hear from him. But fasting is a powerful way to surrender ourselves to God, trusting him to meet us in our need.

Listen - Fasting to Mark Sacred Moments

Chapter from Sermon on the Mount E18

Fasting to Mark Sacred Moments

5 min


In the Bible, people fast in response to something sacred God is doing. Fasting marks moments so serious that eating would be inappropriate. Jesus encourages these occasions for fasting, but he warns against making a show of it.

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