Matthew 6:5-8
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Chapter from Sermon on the Mount E18
Prayer to Be Seen
Jewish people practice fixed-hour prayer, where they stop to pray wherever they are several times a day. Jesus calls out those who use this practice to be seen praying in prominent places. Instead, Jesus encourages hidden prayer before God alone.

In Jesus’ day, cultures surrounding Israel prayed long prayers, hoping to persuade their gods to act. But Jesus portrays God as a Father who cares about his children and knows their needs. So he teaches a short prayer to align us with God’s will.
In Matthew 6:5-8, Jesus addresses Jewish and Gentile prayer practices, showing how they both can miss the mark. In verses 5-6, he highlights fixed-hour prayer in Jewish culture, where people stop to pray wherever they are, several times a day. Jesus calls out those who strategically situate themselves in crowded places during prayer times so they can be seen as devout. He labels these people as hypocrites, or pretenders, because they are performing prayer to gain human approval. Instead, Jesus encourages hidden prayer before God alone because this kind of intimacy with God is far more rewarding. Then in verses 7-8, Jesus addresses the prayer practices of cultures surrounding Israel. Gentiles commonly prayed long prayers, hoping to persuade their gods to act. But Jesus portrays God as a Father who cares deeply about his children and already knows their needs. So he teaches a short prayer that aligns us with God’s will.