Weekly Playlist  |  July 8-14

Sermon on the Mount - Warnings About Religious Practices

Giving to the Poor in Secret

Read – Matthew 6:1-4

Matthew 6:1-4

Generosity to the Poor

1 min

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Generosity to the Poor
Be careful about your doing-what-is-right. Don't do it in front of people for the purpose of being seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in the skies.
So then, when you do acts of generous-giving, don't signal with a trumpet before you, like the hypocrites do in the gathering places and alleyways for the purpose of being honored by people.
Truly, I tell you: they have fully received their reward.
But you, when you do acts of generous-giving, don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing so that your generous-giving is done in a hiddenness,
and your Father who sees what is done in a hiddenness, He will fully reward you.
About This Translation
This reading uses a new translation from the BibleProject Scholar Team, which aims to bring fresh language to familiar words while using consistent English terms for Greek words used throughout this part of Scripture.

We'll be adding more translations here in the future, but in the meantime, you can find more translations now on the BibleProject app.
Watch – Visual Commentaries, Matthew 6:2-4: Generosity


Generosity is a core way we can do right by others. Jesus warns against giving just to receive honor and encourages giving in private. In doing so, we receive the reward of a deep connection to God and sharing in his renewal of creation.

Listen – Giving to the Poor Is Giving to God

Chapter from Sermon on the Mount E18

Giving to the Poor Is Giving to God

5 min

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Giving to the Poor Is Giving to God


In the Bible, how you relate to those in need is closely connected to how you relate to God. God identifies so closely with the poor that giving to them is also giving to him. So doing right by others and by God are often one and the same.

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