Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount
Explore Jesus’ announcement of God’s Kingdom—both its intense challenge and its comforting promise—and discover the significance of the Sermon on the Mount within the larger biblical story.
The Beatitudes
Dive into an in-depth exploration of Jesus’ nine beatitudes in Matthew 5. See how these short wisdom statements imagine a new social world grounded in true justice, peace, and love. Discover how this first section of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-12) connects with the larger biblical story.
Jesus and The Torah
Dig into Jesus’ understanding of righteousness, or “right relating” with others, and see how he advances the story of the Torah and Prophets by showing what true righteousness looks like.
Murder, Adultery, and Divorce
Engage with Jesus’ teaching about murder, adultery, and divorce. Learn how this portion of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:21-32) connects with the larger biblical story.
Oaths, Retaliation, and Enemy Love
See how Jesus understood ancient Hebrew Bible law about oaths, retaliation, and neighborly love. Learn how this portion of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:33-48) connects with the larger biblical story.
Warnings About Religious Practices
See how Jesus warns against using traditional religious practices to signal virtue and gain social favor. Learn how this section of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:1-21) connects with the larger biblical story.
The Lord's Prayer
Examine the Lord’s Prayer, located at the center of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:9-13), and see how Jesus’ instruction to pray like this reveals his desire to transform people into those who trust God, love others, and participate in the work entailed with bringing God’s Kingdom to Earth, as it is in Heaven.
Wealth and Worry
Discover Jesus’ teaching on money and possessions, including the worries they tend to produce in peoples’ lives. Learn how this section of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (6:25-34) connects with the larger biblical story.
Wisdom in Relationships
See how Jesus regards right-relating, also called “righteousness,” as necessary for life in God’s Kingdom. Learn about connections between Scripture’s overarching story and this section of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 7:1-12).
The Choice
Explore the meaning of the final teaching in the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus uses images of gates, trees, and houses to offer a choice to his followers.