
  1. What was the point of the 613 commands given through Moses?
  2. In your own words, how would you summarize what Jesus did to rescue and renew humanity?
  3. What is one practical way Paul encourages Jesus’ followers to live in God’s renewed, multi-ethnic family?

Scripture References

Romans 5-16

Learn More

Jesus created a new covenant family.

Since the garden, humans have repeatedly chosen sin and rebellion over living by God’s wisdom. God’s covenants with his human partners were imperfect, and humans failed to be faithful to the agreement. But Jesus established a new covenant that is open to all people, Jew and Gentile, creating a multiethnic family of God where self-giving love and forgiveness are at the center of everything.

The Gospel Explained

The book of Romans is a detailed explanation of the Gospel message written by Paul to the church in Rome. See how Paul lays out the surprising message of Jesus' new covenant in this carefully crafted letter.

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