After Israel returned from exile, many of the people were just as selfish and unjust as before. But there was a remnant of Israel who trusted and honored Yahweh. God called them his treasure and reminded them to hold on to his words of promise. We too can join this faithful remnant. When we feel overwhelmed by the state of our world, we can stand alongside generations of those who patiently trusted God. He assures us that he will bring justice and set all things right. He will keep his word. So as we continue to wait, we can also hold onto hope.
Bible Reading: Malachi 3:16-4:6
Reflection Questions:
Show Credits: Host: Cheree Hayes Message: Dr. Tim Mackie Bible Reading: Michelle Jones Production: Cooper Peltz, Dan Gummel, and Zach McKinley Theme music: Grant William Harold Background Music: Ian Post, To Edinburgh
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