As a new follower of Jesus, I loved the book of Psalms. I remember realizing that at multiple points in Jesus’ teaching, he used the language of the Psalms to express his message. Jesus models for us what it means to use the Psalms as a language for our own prayers.

This first teaching is based on Psalm 3, it is about learning how to pray in the midst of great fear and anxiety in our lives.

This is part two of a four part series in the Book of Psalms. The Book of Psalms contain a wide diversity of people and their different emotional experiences.

This is the third of a four part series about the Book of Pslams. In this teaching we explore Psalm 32.

This is part four of a four part series that we’ve been doing through the Book of Psalms, learning how to adopt the language of these ancient poems and prayers as teaching us how to pray.