Looking Back to Look Forward
Show Notes
Is the book of Chronicles just a rerun of stories we've already been told? How does it help us understand where the story of the Bible leads? In English Bibles, the books of 1-2 Chronicles follow Samuel and Kings, but in the ancient Hebrew ordering of the Scriptures, Chronicles is the final book of the Old Testament. So what is the significance of this? The book of Chronicles ends with a decree to build a temple. This is the same decree that is told in the book of Ezra-Nehemiah. But Ezra and Nehemiah have already built the temple. So the fact that the whole Hebrew Bible ends on this note tells us that there must be another return from exile, another temple that will be built up and a better leader to come—a Messiah who will lead the people back to communion with God. The Hebrew Bible ends in anticipation for all that's to come. Let's reflect more on this. Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 36:22-23 Reflection Questions:
- The temple is the place of communion where God and humanity, Heaven and Earth, all come together in unity. Reflect on how Jesus the Messiah leads his people into this place of unity. What comes to mind?
- What kind of exile do people return from in order to experience unity with God today?
- How have you experienced unity with God and others, and how are you still waiting with anticipation? Show Credits: Host: Cheree Hayes Message: Dr. Carissa Quinn Pre-Production: Zach McKinley Production: Cooper Peltz Production and Bible Reading: Dan Gummel Theme music: Grant William Harold Background Music: IamDayLight, Blue Powered and distributed by Simplecast.
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