Matthew 7:3-5
The Speck in the Eye
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The impulse to judge others is an opportunity to make sure we see things clearly. When our character is shaped by confronting our own failures first, we’re more likely to act wisely and gently help others see clearly too.

Chapter from Sermon on the Mount E31
The Best Way to Judge
The parable of the speck in the eye reveals that self-assessment is the best way to judge. When we sense ourselves judging others, we should first measure ourselves by the same standard. Then we can better discern good from bad.
Jesus’ parable in Matthew 7:3-5 about a speck in our neighbor’s eye encourages us to use our impulse to judge others as an opportunity to reflect on our own behavior. Before we judge, we can measure ourselves by the same standard we apply to others. This practice will help us to better discern good from bad. When our character is shaped by confronting our own failures first, we’re more likely to act wisely and gently help others see clearly too.