Matthew 7:12
The Golden Rule
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The Golden Rule invites us to create the relational environment we want to see in the world, starting with the people closest to us. By living out Jesus’ ideals of love for God and neighbor, we can help fulfill the biblical story.

Chapter from Sermon on the Mount E33
How God’s Desire Reframes the Golden Rule
Jesus teaches us to desire for others what we desire for ourselves. But what if we can’t trust all our desires? Jesus says we can pray for God’s desire to be done. So our central task is to align our desire with God’s desire.
The Golden Rule invites us to create the relational environment that we want to see in the world, starting with those closest to us. Jesus teaches us to desire for others what we desire for ourselves. But what if we can’t trust all our desires? When we meditate more on Jesus’ words, we discover that he teaches us to pray for God’s will (or desire) to be done. When we align our desires with God’s, we will inevitably want good things for our neighbor. By living in this way of right relating and love for God and others, we can participate in the fulfillment of the whole biblical story.