Matthew 6:9-10
Our Father
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Jesus begins the Lord’s Prayer by addressing God as “our Father.” We belong to a worldwide family of God, and we rely on God as our source of life and daily provision.

Chapter from Sermon on the Mount E21
The Significance of Calling God “Father”
Only a dozen passages in the Hebrew Bible compare Yahweh to a father. But Jesus primarily uses this title for God, demonstrating his unique identity as the Son. As his followers, we are invited to participate in this identity too.
Jesus begins the Lord’s Prayer with “our Father” because we belong to a worldwide family of God, and, like children, we rely on God as our source of life and daily provision. Only about a dozen passages in the Hebrew Bible compare Yahweh to a father. Yet it is the main way Jesus refers to and relates to God, which demonstrates his unique identity as the “beloved Son,” in whom the Father is “well pleased” (Matt. 3:16-17). In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus invites his followers to participate in his identity as Son and an intimate relationship with God as our Father.