Listen to the short passage of Scripture below and then watch some related resources. As you meditate on this passage, think about this question: Why does Jesus tell his followers to not swear oaths?

Matthew 5:33-37
Oaths and Truth-Telling
We'll be adding more translations here in the future, but in the meantime, you can find more translations now on the BibleProject app.

Jesus teaches that peacemaking begins with honesty, encouraging his followers to respond to injustice with creative nonviolence and love for their enemies.

Jesus warns his followers against making oaths. By keeping their word, they can live with honesty and avoid the temptation to manipulate others.

Chapter from Sermon on the Mount E14
Oaths from the Evil One
Jesus says that adding anything to a promise beyond “yes or no” comes from the evil one. He is referencing a biblical pattern of people who use oaths to manipulate and deceive. When humans do this, they behave like the snake in Genesis 3.
Peacemaking starts with a radical commitment to honesty and integrity. In Jesus’ day, Israelites swore religious-sounding oaths to manipulate people. When humans do this, they behave like the snake in Genesis 3 who twisted God’s words in order to deceive. So Jesus teaches his followers to avoid oaths altogether and instead honor others by keeping their word.