Read and listen to the passage of Scripture below and then explore the related resources. As you reflect, consider this question: What does God’s love look like?

Matthew 5:43-47
Enemy Love
We'll be adding more translations here in the future, but in the meantime, you can find more translations now on the BibleProject app.

In the Bible, God is said to be overflowing with “khesed,” which means love, generosity, and promise-keeping loyalty. This is who he is, and he wants us to respond with khesed in return. But even when we don’t, God’s khesed remains.

Chapter from Sermon on the Mount E16
Imitating God’s Love and Generosity
Jesus observes that God is indiscriminately loving and generous—even to people who don't deserve it. This teaching invites Israel to a higher standard of love, reminding them of the earlier call to be salt and light and a city on a hill.
In the Bible, God is said to be overflowing with khesed, a word that combines the ideas of love, generosity, and promise-keeping loyalty. God is loving and generous simply because it’s his character. Jesus observes that God causes the sun to shine and the rain to fall on both the evil and the good. The implication is that God loves our neighbors indiscriminately—even when we don’t. With this teaching, Jesus invites his followers to a higher standard of love and good works, reminding them of the earlier call to be salt and light and a city on a hill.