Matthew 7:6
Pearls Before Pigs
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Holy food is set apart at sacred feasts to celebrate life, so it’s inappropriate to give this food to wild dogs. Similarly, God’s wisdom is like precious pearls, a treasure that means nothing to pigs. These metaphors point to the futility of offering wisdom to people who don’t appreciate it.

Chapter from Sermon on the Mount E31
Discernment of When to Share Wisdom
Jesus’ parable about dogs and pigs relates to Proverbs 26 and answering a foolish person. It can be helpful to share the wisdom of Jesus with others, but it can also fall flat. It takes discernment to know the right time to share.
In Matthew 7:6, Jesus shares a parable about not giving holy food to dogs or pearls to pigs. In Jesus’ day, holy food was set apart for sacred feasts and used to celebrate life. So giving such food to wild, scavenging dogs is inappropriate. Similarly, God’s wisdom is likened to precious pearls. It’s unwise to give a valuable pearl to one who doesn’t know its value, like a pig. This teaching relates to a pair of sayings in Proverbs 26:4-5 about when to answer a foolish person. There will be times when it’s helpful to share God’s wisdom with others and times when it will fall flat. It takes discernment to know the right time and place.