Matthew 6:24
God and Wealth
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Mammon refers to possessions, like money or property. Jesus describes it as a burdensome ruler, offering false promises of security and happiness. But Jesus also believes it can be used to care for others and build relationships—which is true wealth.
Chapter from Sermon on the Mount E28
The Mysterious Background and Meaning of “Mammon”
Jesus depicts mammon as a superhuman power, competing with God and deceiving humans. This image, along with the Hebrew Bible’s negative depiction of wealth, leads some to wonder if mammon is the proper name of an evil spiritual being.
Mammon is an Aramaic word that refers to possessions like money, wealth, and property. In Matthew 6:24, Jesus depicts mammon as a kind of superhuman, burdensome ruler that is in competition with God. Both Jesus and the Hebrew Bible describe wealth as a power that lures humans with false promises of security and prevents them from full devotion to God. These negative depictions have led some readers to wonder if mammon is the proper name of an actual evil spiritual being. In any case, Jesus also believes mammon can be used for God’s purposes to generously care for others and build relationships—which is true wealth.