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Weekly Playlist  |  September 23-29
Sermon on the Mount-Wealth and Worry
Do Not Worry
Read - Matthew 6:25-30

Matthew 6:25-30

Do Not Worry

1 min

Because of this I say to you, do not worry about your life-being, what you will eat or what you will drink, not even about your body, what you will put on.
Isn't the living-self more than food and the body more than clothing?
Look at the birds of the air, how they don't sow seed, and they don't harvest, and they don't gather into barns, and yet your Father in the skies feeds them.
Aren't you all much more valuable than they?
And who among you is able to add an hour to your life-span by worry?
And about clothing, why do you worry?
Pay attention to the lilies of the field, how they grow. They don't labor and they don't weave cloth, but I say to you all that not even Solomon with all his honor clothed himself like one of these.
Now, if the grass of the field, which is there today and tomorrow is tossed into the furnace is clothed this way by God, won't he much more clothe you all, who have so little trust?
About This Translation
This reading uses a new translation from the BibleProject Scholar Team, which aims to bring fresh language to familiar words while using consistent English terms for Greek words used throughout this part of Scripture.

We'll be adding more translations here in the future, but in the meantime, you can find more translations now on the BibleProject app.
Watch - Insights, Passage Insight: Do Not Worry
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Jesus says that choosing to worry about things beyond our control will not enrich our lives. Instead, he invites us to reflect on God’s generosity in nature as a reminder that God will take care of us.

Listen - The Meaning of Merimnao in the New Testament

Chapter from Sermon on the Mount E29

The Meaning of Merimnao in the New Testament

5 min


Matthew uses the Greek word merimnao for “worry” or “concern.” The New Testament contains some examples of good concern. But Jesus and the apostles discourage worry, which is unhelpful concern over things we can’t control.

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