Matthew 7:24-27
The Two Houses
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We can choose to build our homes on two types of material—sand or rock. If we build on the rock, that is, on Jesus and his teachings, we will endure the storms of life and inherit the Kingdom.

Chapter from Sermon on the Mount E37
How to Survive the Flood
The flood represents destruction that happens because of the foolish choices of humans. The greatest flood is death, but those who stay close to Jesus, the source of life, will weather the storm just as he did.
At the conclusion of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus compares the choice to follow him to building a house on the sand or the rock. Building on the rock connects back to the teaching of becoming a city on a mountain in Matthew 5:14. And the rock is a reference to God’s temple mount on Zion. It is from that house that God’s people live by his wisdom. The storm and flood imagery represents destruction that happens for individuals or whole communities because of their own foolish choices or the foolish choices of others. However, Jesus promises that those who build on the rock of his teaching will endure the storms of life and inherit God’s everlasting Kingdom. We can also endure the greatest flood, death itself, by staying close to Jesus, the source of life who defeated death.