BibleProject Guide

Who Is the Holy Spirit?


As God’s personal, animating presence, the Holy Spirit works in creation to bring life, beauty, and order out of chaos. Humanity then re-introduces chaos into God’s good world, causing corruption and death. But through Israel’s prophets, God reveals that the Spirit is renewing creation and transforming human hearts. This is so people can return to true life, know real love, and be free to love God and others. Here, we will not attempt to engage with all of the important Holy Spirit content in the Bible. Instead, we’ll trace the biblical theme along key points in the narrative to see how the Holy Spirit shows up in the storyline.

Holy Spirit
Biblical Themes
Holy Spirit

The Big Picture

Chaos to Creation

If we want to understand the Holy Spirit, we have to start on page one of the Bible. Here, the uncreated world is depicted as a dark, chaotic place. But above the chaos, God’s Spirit hovers, ready to bring about life and order and beauty.

The Hebrew word for “Spirit” is ruakh, and it’s how the biblical authors talk about God’s personal presence. Ruakh can refer to a number of different things, but what they all have in common is energy. 

But what do we mean by energy? Think of the invisible energy that makes the clouds move or the tree branches sway. Or the vitality we feel in our bodies when we take a deep breath. All of that is ruakh—and this is the same word used in the Bible to describe God’s personal presence. Just like wind and breath are invisible, God’s Spirit is invisible. Wind is powerful and God’s Spirit is powerful. And just as breath keeps us alive, God’s Spirit sustains all of life. 

Empowering Humans

So what is the purpose of this personal presence of God? As we continue in the story of the Bible, we see God’s ruakh giving special empowerment to people for specific tasks. First, God’s Spirit enables Joseph to understand and interpret dreams. Then the artist Bezalel is empowered by God’s Spirit with wisdom, skills, and creative genius to make beautiful things in the tabernacle.

New Chaos to New Creation

God’s Spirit also empowers the prophets to see what’s happening in history from God’s point of view. And the prophets see a problem: While God’s ruakh created a really good world, humans unleashed chaos into it through evil and injustice. But that’s not the end of the story as the prophets see it. The Spirit will act again, just like in Genesis 1, but now to transform the human heart, to empower people to truly love God and others.

Empowering Jesus to Begin New Creation

How will this new act of God’s Spirit happen? Centuries after the prophets, we are introduced to Jesus. The Bible depicts a scene where Jesus is baptized in the waters of the Jordan River; the sky opens up and God’s Spirit comes and rests on Jesus like a bird. And in this event we are meant to see God’s Spirit empowering Jesus to begin the new creation. After this moment, whenever he heals people or forgives their sins, Jesus is creating life where there once was death. 

Now Israel’s religious leaders oppose Jesus, and they eventually have him killed. But still, God’s Spirit is at work. The earliest disciples of Jesus, who see him alive from the dead, say it is God’s energizing Spirit that raises Jesus. This is the beginning of new creation.

And it’s still going! When Jesus appears to his closest followers, he breathes on them and says, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” Soon after that, the Spirit powerfully comes to rest upon and to fill all of his disciples, so they can become part of this new creation, share the good news, and learn how to live by the energy and influence of God’s Spirit.

New Creation

Today, the Spirit is still hovering in dark places, pointing people to Jesus, transforming and empowering them to love God and others. And the Christian hope is that God’s Spirit will finish the job. The story of the Bible ends with a vision of a new humanity living in a new world that’s permeated with God’s love and life-giving Spirit.

Dive Deeper

So far we’ve just skimmed the surface. Explore these studies to take a deeper dive into how this theme contributes to the whole story of the Bible.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Holy Spirit is a complex topic, and you probably still have questions. Here are some of the ones we hear most often.

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