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Vocab Insight: Mammon / Wealth

“You are not able to serve both God and mammon.” Watch a short video that explains what Jesus meant by the word “mammon” in Matthew 6:24.

Insights Sep 2, 2024
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“You are not able to serve God and mammon.”1

Mammon” refers to one’s possessions, like money, wealth, or property. In the New Testament, only Jesus uses the word “mammon.”

He describes mammon as a burdensome ruler, seeking to lure humans into its own control.

Mammon comes from an Aramaic word, mamon, that means trustworthy. It's describing wealth as something that tempts you to trust in it for security and happiness, which it can't really give you in the long run.

Jesus remains suspicious of mammon because of its tendency to tempt and corrupt us. But he also said that it can be used to help people. Instead of trusting in mammon, use it to generously care for others and build good relationships, which is gaining true wealth.

“Therefore, if you have not been faithful in the use of unrighteous mammon, who will entrust the true wealth to you?”2

1. Matthew 6:24
2. Luke 16:11
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