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Passage Insight: Good Tree vs. Bad Tree

Discover the meaning of the two metaphors Jesus uses to identify false prophets—the wolves in sheep’s clothing and the good tree versus bad tree.

Insights Nov 11, 2024
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When people claim to speak for God, is there any way to know if they're telling the truth? Jesus says there is. And he explains with two word pictures, the first about sheep and wolves, and the second about trees—a good tree versus a bad tree.1

In both cases, Jesus invites us to look under the surface to examine what's inside the person who is speaking for God. And that feels weird because humans are not very good at evaluating other people's motives.

Isn't this why Jesus told us not to judge others?2 Jesus says that false prophets know how to look innocent, like gentle sheep, but that may be a costume that covers a hungry wolf below. So don't just look at outward appearance, which is shallow and can be manipulated. But how do you look deeper?

Think good tree versus bad tree. Voracious bad wolves will inevitably bear bad fruit somewhere in their lives. Don't look for flaws in their outer public self, but pay attention to their personal character, how they treat people in their closest relationships. Some people covertly manipulate and mistreat others, leaving a trail of hurt people behind them, that is, bad fruit, while others produce thriving, healthy relationships that make other people feel loved and cared for, good fruit.

So two trees, good and bad. Sounds a bit like the garden of Eden story, doesn't it? In Eden, the tree of life and the tree of knowing good and bad represent two different decisions in response to God's wisdom.

Will you eat the fruit God has provided that leads to life or the fruit that God prohibits and warns will kill you?3 Jesus is creatively adapting this important Eden image. People cannot only accept or reject God's life by consuming a tree's fruit, they can actually become like good or bad trees to one another.

If the produce of someone's life looks and tastes like fear, arrogance, self-indulgence, or contempt for others, then no matter how good they look in public, they shouldn't be trusted to speak for God. People who are being transformed by God's wisdom are like good trees bearing fruit that looks and tastes like patience, joy, peace, self-control, and love.4

If someone claims to speak for God, Jesus says pay attention to their relationships to see the fruit of their lives, and you will discover everything that you need to know.

1. Matthew 7:15-20
2. See Matthew 7:1-2
3. See Genesis 2:16-17; Genesis 3:1-24
4. See Galatians 5:16-26
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