Watch / 1-3 John

1-3 John

What are the books of 1-3 John about in the Bible? Watch as we explain the major themes and gain a deeper understanding of their place in the biblical story.

Book Overviews Dec 11, 2016

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John calls followers of Jesus to share in God's own life and love by devoting themselves to loving one another.

Each book also addresses deceivers and teachers who no longer acknowledge that Jesus is the Messiah or Son of God. They are instead spreading fear and division among Jesus’ followers. John says that all legitimate teachers will share the truth about Jesus and the cross, love others sacrificially, and spread love and light rather than fear.

He also reminds believers to welcome true missionaries who teach the message of the cross and love others. They should not welcome deceivers or make idols of anything that exalts itself in God's place.

A Series of Letters

Written by John the elder to early Christians attending house churches, 1 John, 2 John, and 3 John echo the Gospel of John. They emphasize that every true believer will demonstrate God's light and love.

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