Module 3
A Covenant at Mount Sinai
Examine God’s commandments in their historical and literary context to better understand their meaning and see how they teach us about God’s character and nature.
3 Hours 41 Minutes
- Session 15Commissioning the NationExamine God’s commission to a kingdom of priests as Israel finally arrives at Mount Sinai.
- Session 16Law as MissionIs the law a heavy burden? Examine the literary and historical context of the Ten Commandments to dispel common misconceptions about the giving of the law.
- Session 17No Other GodsDiscover how different traditions number the commandments and see how the first commandment sets a foundation for the rest.
- Session 18Bearing His NameWhat does it mean to bear God's name? What about taking God's name in vain? Follow the text to understand the command to never bear the name of God in vain.
- Session 19Resting in God’s ProvisionClosely examine the command to keep the Sabbath and see a depth and beauty to the practice that transcends merely taking one day off per week.
- Session 20“Slavery” LawsDoes God condone slavery? Consider the literary and historical context of the so-called “slavery” laws to see how they fit into God’s instruction to Israel.
- Session 21Defining the ConquestThe stories about the conquest in Canaan do not support racism or ethnic cleansing. Compare associated texts to see God's purpose in these narratives.
- Session 22Covenant RatifiedConclude the section on the laws with the ratification of the covenant.
- QuizA Covenant at Mount Sinai