Module 1
Moses Delivered and Commissioned
Examine the context and setting of the exodus event. Learn how the story of Moses sets up the pattern for the rest of the book of Exodus.
2 Hours 40 Minutes
- Session 1Exodus and the ExodusExamine the context and setting of the book of Exodus. Probe the significance of the exodus event and sketch an outline for the structure of the book.
- Session 2Proliferation and OppressionTrace literary links connecting the beginning of Exodus to the beginning of Genesis. See how Pharaoh’s pride sets up the conflict that propels the narrative.
- Session 3Delivering the DelivererLearn how God’s deliverer must first be delivered. Trace repeated words as Moses' story recalls themes from Genesis and foreshadows the rest of Exodus.
- Session 4Becoming MosesStudy the way Yahweh forms Moses’ identity and see how naming and commissioning become crucial themes in the story.
- Session 5Commissioning MosesExamine the literary significance of the burning bush encounter and meditate on the name of God, Yahweh.
- Session 6Confronting the FirstbornWrestle with the perplexing episode when God is about to kill Moses. Locate this scene in its larger literary unit to better understand its meaning.
- QuizMoses Delivered and Commissioned