- Session 4A Tale of Two JourneysGod calls Abram to follow him into the unknown, kicking off the central drama of the Hebrew Bible. Reflect on the beginning of the Abraham story.
- Session 5God Calls Abram and Promises BlessingWhat’s in a name? Trace the theme of giving and making names through Genesis to see layers of meaning in God’s promise to make Abram’s name great.
- Session 6Abram the SnakeWhat happens when God’s chosen representative lies? Compare Abram’s schemes to the snake in the garden and see how the biblical authors develop the portrait of God’s partnership with humanity.
- Session 7Abram and Lot SeparateAbram and Lot separate over their wealth. Is it just too much of a good thing, or is there more at work in this narrative? Trace the literary links to find out.
- Session 8God's Second Promise to AbramGod once again promises to bless Abram with descendants and land. Catch God's grand vision of a new humanity in an Eden refuge.
- Session 9A Flood of ViolenceA rising tide of warrior kings threatens to destroy Abram’s family. Trace the literary links to the flood story to discover the significance of this dramatic episode.
- Session 10Melchizedek the Royal PriestAbram meets the mysterious King Melchizedek. Connect the biblical themes to see why this character is such an important figure for the story of the Bible.
- QuizFrom Babylon to Canaan